Friday, November 2, 2007

Remember, remember the fifth of November....

Halloween has come and gone, but the photos live on. The grandchildren looked adorable, and were perfectly willing to share category II candy. I didn't celebrate Halloween growing up in Scotland in the 50's. There, we had 'guisers' on November 5th, commemorating Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up Parliament. Read about him here.
Pumpkins are far too easy--in my day, we ended up with bleeding hands after carving our turnip lanterns--rutabagas to my American friends. Yes, RUTABAGAS! Now THAT'S carving. And the smell of warm cardboard still brings back memories of the suffocating little masks we wore as our principle form of disguise. Life was simpler then.

1 comment:

Spirit Bear said...

I noticed this year how all the children trick or treat in daylight accompanied by their parents. Totally different than the "old days" (60's and earlier) when we ran wild in the streets through the dark. It was delicious!This week I had my 6th graders find leaves to press - they had SO MUCH FUN. Shenach, you are SO MARTHA STEWART. She carves weird gourds and such. I will be waiting to hear your impressiosn of Thanksgiving.